Should you be concerned if your phone or Internet provider is merging or being acquired? In the last month several proposed mergers have been announced that affect a lot of our customers: [...]
Your phone system is an important tool for providing security against hacking and making sure that your staff is operating efficiently. Companies that use these tools effectively [...]
Phone bills can be tricky to read, and we all get busy, so many times we simply don’t look at them. I have been in the business for over 30 years and I don’t look at mine every [...]
Most newer phone systems allow you to upload a digital music-on-hold message. You can easily create a custom music-on-hold message with royalty-paid music. This message can [...]
At ComRes, we are spoiled. We have the best technicians working for us, and we do things the right way. Fortunately for us, not all of our competitors operate this way. I should not [...]
Many businesses are asking themselves if they need a phone system anymore, or if they do, what features do they really need. I am in the business and I ask myself that all the time. [...]
Phone bills are something you should look at each month. There are often errors on phone bill, and understand items on the bill will help you in managing it and reducing phone costs. 1. Look at [...]