Save time and you save money! Many customers are looking for ways to improve efficiency, save time, improve customer service and reduce costs. And many of these customers have already started using a CRM to track customer/client contacts, manage campaigns and build reminders for calls. Yet many business still work off of an archaic collection of spreadsheets, email contacts and paper records with no automation for staying in touch with customers. This costs you sales opportunities. Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you need a CRM or may need to make improvements to yours:
- Do you have a cloud-based system that is properly updated with customer, client and lead information, critical contacts, with reminders for next contacts?
- Do you keep records of customers, contacts and company info in spreadsheets, email contacts or paper records?
- Do use automated methods/campaigns to stay in contact with customers, or to remind sales reps to check on quote status?
- Does your phone system integrate with your CRM (allow click-to-dial, inbound screen pop, ability to automatically upload call recordings to the CRM contact record, automatically log calls to CRM contact records)?
- Do you automatically log leads in a CRM or other tool from your web site?
ComRes, through our partnership with Planned Growth, offers full Zoho CRM implementation and support. Additionally, we recently rolled out a full integration between Zoho and ComRes’ CloudTalk VoIP. CRM/VoIP integration allows for many time-saving features such as click-to-call, inbound screenpop, auto call-logging and more!
If you are interested in moving to a CRM, or upgrading your current CRM, contact your ComRes representative at 954-462-9600.