ComRes Integration with Zoho

ComRes officially supports Zoho integration. Get access to all the features of ComRes in Zoho. Get notification of incoming and outgoing calls with customer details in a pop-up card.

Track all the call history – Answered calls and missed calls. Place disposition for each call to make easy follow-up. View the details of the prospects instantly.

CRM Zoho Integration

How to integrate ComRes with Zoho ?

Step 1:
Login to ComRes

Login to ComRes business account.


Step 2:
Integration into Zoho

1. Enable Zoho integration feature.

2. Select list of agents/users to access Zoho.

Step 3:
Login to Zoho account

1. In the Zoho login page, enter the login credentials and login to your Zoho account.

2. After login, user has to confirm the integration of ComRes with Zoho by clicking on Accept.

3. In the success page, click on the “Go to Zoho” to access the ComRes features in Zoho.

Step 4:
Extension Mapping

1. Choose your phone extension from the extension dropdown list.

2. Choose your User from the select user list.

3. Click Map Extension.

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