Written Information Security Plan

Industry Specific Federal Requirement / Cyber Insurance Requirement / WISP

Professionally designed and maintained WISP Plan!

Federal law requires all professional tax preparers to create and implement a Written Information Security Plan (WISP).  There is information and sample forms on the IRS’ website to help tax preparers create their own WISP plan, however, many professionals are too busy to do so, or are confused by the multitude of forms and information the need to complete, so they never get one fully implemented. This leaves them, and their clients, exposed to serious security risks and potential financial penalties/losses.

Why use ComRes’ WISP Plan service?

With much of the information and required forms available online, you might wonder why you should use ComRes’ WISP Plan service. Here’s why our service stands out and why it’s the best choice for your business:

  • Saves Time with Ready-to-Use Forms: ComRes’ WISP Plan service saves you time by providing all the necessary forms ready for your input. This means you don’t have to waste time searching for the right documents; everything you need is at your fingertips, pre-formatted and ready to go.

  • Easy Format for IT Completion: Our service offers an easy-to-use format that makes it simple for you or your IT firm to complete the required information and tasks. This streamlined process reduces errors and ensures that all details are filled out correctly, helping you stay compliant with industry regulations.

  • User-Friendly Web Interface with Secure Cloud Storage: The WISP Plan service features a user-friendly web interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Additionally, all your forms and information are securely stored in the cloud, ensuring that your data is safe and easily accessible whenever you need it.

  • Effortless Updates and Distribution: The WISP Plan is a living document that must be continuously updated. Our service provides a format that allows you to easily update information and send out forms to new vendors and clients for them to fill out and sign. This keeps your documentation current and ensures that all parties are on the same page.

Choosing ComRes’ WISP Plan service means choosing efficiency, security, and peace of mind. Let us help you manage your information securely and effortlessly.


A Written Information Security Plan (WISP) is a documented protocol that outlines how a company protects personal and sensitive information. It’s legally required in some industries to ensure compliance with information security regulations and to safeguard customer data against breaches.

ComRes’ WISP Plan service simplifies the creation, implementation, and management of your information security plan. It provides ready-to-use forms, a user-friendly web interface, secure cloud storage, and easy update capabilities, ensuring your business stays compliant and secure.

Industries such as finance, healthcare, and any business handling sensitive customer information are often required to have a WISP Plan. Specific requirements can vary by jurisdiction, so it’s essential to check local regulations.

Security is our top priority. We use advanced encryption and secure cloud storage to protect your data. Our platform ensures that all information is kept confidential and is accessible only to authorized personnel.

Our service is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to easily update your WISP Plan without needing extensive IT support. However, we also provide support if you need assistance.

A WISP Plan should be reviewed and updated regularly, especially when there are significant changes in your business operations or after security incidents. ComRes’ platform makes it easy to keep your plan current.

Non-compliance with WISP requirements can result in legal penalties, fines, and increased risk of data breaches. Maintaining a compliant WISP Plan helps protect your business from these risks and demonstrates your commitment to data security.

Yes, we provide resources and support for training your employees on the WISP Plan. Ensuring that your staff understands and follows the plan is crucial for effective information security.

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What is Required in a WISP Plan?

According to the IRS, a WISP Plan necessitates the following actions:

  • Appoint Information Security Coordinators: Assign one or more employees to oversee and manage the company’s information security program.

  • Risk Assessment and Evaluation: Identify and assess risks to customer information across all relevant areas of the company’s operations. Evaluate the effectiveness of current safeguards to control these risks.

  • Safeguards Program Implementation: Develop and implement a robust safeguards program, ensuring it is regularly monitored and tested for effectiveness.

  • Service Provider Oversight: Select service providers who can maintain appropriate safeguards. Ensure your contracts require them to uphold these safeguards and supervise their handling of customer information.

  • Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment: Regularly evaluate and adjust the program based on relevant circumstances, including changes in the company’s business operations or the results of security testing and monitoring.

ComRes’ WISP Plan Cloud Service Helps You Achieve all of These Requirements and More!

You can have peace-of-mind that you have taken the necessary steps to meet federal requirements while protecting your business and your clients. A properly created and maintained WISP Plan also helps you get the required Cyber insurance, and in many cases, will help reduce your annual insurance costs (Cyber insurance companies generally charge higher rates if you do not have a WISP plan or have not implemented all of it. Additionally, your Cyber insurance provider may refuse to cover a breach caused because you did not have a WISP Plan, or if it could have been prevented by things in your WISP Plan that you did not do).

Contact ComRes Today to Secure Your Information

Discover how our tailored WISP solutions can protect your business.
Get in touch now for your free consultation and ensure your data remains safe and compliant.

Please note that ComRes does not provide legal or accounting advice.

Our services are designed to assist with information security planning and compliance.
For legal or accounting guidance, we recommend consulting with a qualified professional in those fields.